Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tissue Paper Ghosts

Halloween season kicks off the best three months of the year!  Isn't this little guy the cutest?  I have been making these since my first Halloween as a married person.

You'll need:
  • white tissue paper (2 sheets per ghost)
  • scissors
  • Sharpe marker
  • twist ties
  • yarn, ribbon, or raffia
  • note pad
Take one sheet of paper and scrunch it into a ball.

Take another sheet of tissue paper and wrap it around the wad.  If your tissue paper has a rough side and a shiny side, put the shiny side out.  This makes it easier to draw a face because the ink spreads less.
Wrap a twist tie around the neck to secure the wad of paper in place.  Be sure to wrap the ends of the twist tie around the neck after you twist it to make it easier to hide.
Tie the yarn in a bow around the neck of the ghost.  Try to hide the twist tie.
I make the strand of yarn too long.  This way I don't have to worry too much about making the ends even. Just trim off the excess.
You can also use raffia.  I've even used Halloween ribbon before.
I made half of my ghosts with yarn and half with raffia.  They look like boy and girl ghosts :)

Sketch out ghost mouths and eyes to figure out what effect you want.  Once you figure out what you want, apply to the ghost.
Use thread or fishing wire to tie them up wherever you want them. I tied mine outside.  I know what your thinking, "What if it rains?"  Well, that crossed my mind, but I also thought, "It never rains here so it will be fine."  Guess what?  It rained the next day.  Now all my ghosts look like they have been hanged on a noose.  Long story short - if you decide to hang them outside, make them out of a white disposable tablecloth or something.
Pretty cool while they lasted!

Fun Tip:  See those hooks the ghosts are hanging from?  They are there to hang Christmas lights on.  It is a lot faster, easier, and safer to put them up now.
Now you try!


  1. aww I just love Halloween crafts! I want to start making some cause store-bought decorations are just so dang expensive. Cute cute idea! Oh and I love the new blog, that header is amazing.

    The House of Shoes

  2. Love the new craft blog T! You are too good at this stuff! can't wait to see more posts! give the little princess kisses for me!
